I am so proud to be a Youth Ambassador for Bystander Revolution. Bystander Revolution is an anti-bullying organization working towards helping people find the solution for bullying from all perspectives.
October has been a busy month for all of us with Bystander Revolution with the #MonthOfAction. This month-long campaign is all about solutions and everyday actions that we can take that will inspire more kindness. I believe that kindness and compassion can make a difference. It’s simple right? More kind actions – less mean actions. Kindness is contagious and the #MonthOfAction is all about flooding social media with kindness every day through the month of October.

How cool is this? Every day in Times Square for Bystander Revolution’s #MonthOfAction this is happening!
Why a month?
The idea is that practice, repetition and consistency create habits that drive behaviour change. Every time you take action, you reinformce your own ability to act and serve as an example for the people around you. By doing as many actiona ss possible, you build new habits that wil help you take the power out bullying and inspire others to do the same.
Everyday in the month of October, Bystander Revolution is rolling out daily challenges on social media to raise awareness about the power of one act of kindness and how it can stop bullying. It been a lot of fun to see the challenges that are being issued by celebrities like Bradley Cooper, Monica Lewinsky, Lily Collins and Michael J. Fox.
Join us!
It’s not too late to join us and get busy with the challenges for the last week and you can go back and look at the challenges from earlier this month and do them too. I have listed all of the challenges below for you to review. I’ve been keeping up with the challenges daily on Twitter and Instagram and you can check out what I’ve been doing or follow the hashtag #MonthOfAction to see what everyone has been posting.
Bystander Revolution has released some of the impact of the #MonthOfAction so far and it’s awesome. Check this out:
These are the #MonthOfAction challenges so far:
1. Monica Lewinsky’s (@MonicaLewinsky) challenge: Make’ Em Laugh! Share a funny video to make people laugh!
2. Olivia Wilde’s (@OliviaWilde) challenge: Share your Smile! Smile at 5 people who look like they could use a boost. Then share your smile in a selfie with #MonthOfAction + #WorldSmileDay.
3. Salma Hayek’s (@SalmaHayek) challenge: End Negativity! Refrain from saying anything bad about anyone for the whole day. Share this image so your friends can help hold you to it, and to inspire them to try it with you! You know what they say, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.
4. Teaming up with the Tyler Clementi Foundation to spread as much e-positivity as possible! Like, share or comment on a post from someone you think would appreciate some support. Then post this image w/ #MonthOfAction to show your network what kind of online culture you stand for.
5. It’s World Teachers’ Day! For their Day 5 challenge withThe BULLY Project, shout out a teacher who made a difference in your life! Post a memory of something they taught you, a time they helped you, or anything that conveys just how much they matter.
6. Lily Collins’ (@LilyJCollins) challenge:Say hey to someone quiet or shy today. If you make a new friend, post a selfie with them! Or just tell us how it went with#MonthOfAction. Fun/awkward/exciting? We want all the details!
7. Michael J. Fox’s (@RealMikeFox) challenge: Show You Care! Tell someone who was bullied that you saw it and you care.
8. Help us spread the word about#MonthOfAction! We’d really appreciate it, and hopefully, the people you reach will too!
9. Jamie Lee Curtis’ (@JamieLeeCurtis) challenge: Sit with someone new! Small gesture, big impact.
10. MTV’s Look Different = Open Your Mind! Examine a bias you might have by trying something unfamiliar. Then post a photo of what you did & share what you learned using the hashtag#MonthOfAction.
11. Teaming up with Common Sense Media We want you to get off social media for the WHOLE day.
12.Rashida Jones’ (@IAmRashidaJones) challenge: Word Up! Share your favourite inspirational quote!Challenge, Word Up! What words motivate you most? Share your favorite inspirational quote with #MonthOfAction!
13. Shonda Rhimes’ (@ShondaRhimes) challenge: Say Yes! Try something new out of your comfort zone. So what should you do? It’s right there in the title. Build your courage by saying yes to something outside of your comfort zone. Lunch with a new friend, your school’s talent show, getting help with your bullying situation… anything!
14. Drew Lynch’s (@TheDrewLynch) challenge: Find the Funny!As Drew says, “you can turn anything into a positive” and humor is a great way to turn bullying around. So post your favorite joke today.
15. #SpiritDay 2015 with GLAAD, so we’re announcing Challenge 15 early! Get ready to go purple in support of all the LGBT youth out there facing bullying at school.
16. Bradley Cooper’s Challenge: Give Thanks! Share a list of 5 things you’re grateful for and challenge a friend to do it too.
17. Alan Cumming’s (@AlanCumming) challenge: Share Your Story! If you’ve been bullied in the past, share your story. If you don’t have one, share someone else’s story.
18. Crisis Text Line’s (@CrisisTextLine) challenge: Let It Out! Talk about a problem that you’re having with someone you trust.
19. Andy Cohen’s (@Andy) challenge: Gimme Five! Give high fives to at least 5 people today.
20. Melissa Joan Hart’s (@MelissaJoanHart) challenge: Drop Some Knowledge. Post advice you’ve received about bullying.
21. National Bullying Prevention Center’s (@PACER_NBPC) challenge: Join In! Ask someone at school or work who’s new to join in on an activity.
22. Lizzie Velasquez’s (@LittleLizzieV) challenge: Born Beautiful. Share one thing that makes you unique along with a photo when you were a baby.
23. Moby’s (@TheLittleIdiot) challenge: Send A Track! Send a feel good song to someone to cheer them up!
24. Craftivist Collective’s (@Craftivists) and PS I Made This’ (@PSIMadeThis) challenge: Get Artsy! Make an art piece that promotes anti-bullying and kindness.
25. Heroic Imagination Project’s (@HIPorg) challenge: Since we all have the potential to be heroes in our everyday lives, show or write how can you do it best.
Even though #MonthOfAction is already three weeks in, this does not mean you can’t catch up on the challenges. We can take action every day, so let’s try to make this a habit.
It’s easy and fun! To share it on social media, you have to either post one of the experiences it asks you to do or repost the challenge photo from Bystander Revolution! When you post, don’t forget to tag Bystander Revolution and #MonthOfAction!
I’m loving seeing all of the #MonthOfAction posts and if you haven’t joined us already, please do.
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