Last weekend, an amazing thing happened in New York City. The Empire State Building became the face of extinction. On the side of one of the most famous landmarks in New York City, endangered animals were projected in huge, full colour images. It was called Projecting Change. The goal was to raise awareness about animals around the world that are a path to becoming extinct.
It was also to promote a new documentary, Racing Exctinction, that will be on The Discovery Channel in December The film has already won awards, including The Documentary Award for Environmental Advocacy at the Environmental Film Festival in Washington, DC. With support from the Ocean Preservation Socieity, film-maker, Louie Psihoyas put together a team of artists and activists to expose the real threats that humans have become to wildlife around the world. In the film some of the activists go undercover around the world, behind the scenes to show what is happening in where endangered species are traded and sold. Throughout the film we will understand the devastating effects of human action and behaviour on wildlife on land and in the ocean that is killing them.
The idea of the film is to show what is really happening and it is sad, scary and surprising. But behind it all, there is also hope. The amazing people that are part of Racing Extinciton have hope. They hope that by bring the reality of what is happening to light, change will happen.
So, last Saturday night the Empire State building became the face of extinction in a big step toward building the awareness that will lead to change. On a nearby building they stacked 40 projectors to display an array of endangered animals 375 feet tall and 186 feet wide covering 33 floors.
Psihoyas told Loren Grush of the The Verge,”Film can change the world. I call it a weapon of mass construction. I’m hoping with this film and this event, we can raise awareness and start a movement.”
Check out some photos of this amazement in these photos on Instagram captured from users in New York City.
Recently the whole world has been talking about about the killing of Cecil The Lion in Zimbabwe. He was killed by an American man for hobby. During Projecting Extinction, Psihoyas also honoured Cecil.
The webside for Racing Excinction is an amazing resource filled with facts, information and ways that you can help and make your voice heard. They have issued a challenge called the “Five Day Carbon Cleanse” that encourages you to think and take specific actions for 5 days.
I just signed the petition to help ban killing elephants for their ivory! They need 5, 000 signatures so go on the website and pledge to help! If you want to share anything on social media, the hashtags to use are #RacingExctinction, #ProjectingChange and #StartWith1Thing! The film, Racing Exctinction airs on the Discover Channel on December 2nd at 9PM! Be sure to watch it! I know I will be. Check out the offical trailer.
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