I’m back from sleepover camp and happy to be home! It was the best! In my Getting Ready For Sleepover Camp post I wrote about being excited and nervous about being away from home for the first time. I was supposed to stay for 12 days but I was having so much fun that I stayed for 3 weeks! In a post here called An Extra 10 Days at Camp, my mom wrote a note here to let everyone know that I was staying for the rest of the summer.
Going to sleepover camp was one of my many firsts for me. I made a lot of firsts at camp. I went waterskiing for the first time! I fell 2 times but I got up for the 3rd try! It was so fun! I performed in front of a lot of people for the first time. I sang Yellow Submarine, I danced to Kesha and sang Dynamite. It’s different performing at school and performing at camp because at school you don’t have as much good friends as you do at sleepover camp. I got to sleep on a top bunk! I thought that in the night while I was sleeping I would fall, but I didn’t!!! I wrote graffiti on the walls of my cabin and bathrooms, I would never do this at home (you shouldn’t either).
But the most important first is sleeping away from home for the first time. I thought that I wasn’t going to be able to sleep away from home but I did it! I felt really scared and sad the first two night. But then it got easier for me. I always wished that I was with my family. But then I got used to sleeping away from home even though I still missed my family but I wasn’t as homesick as I was for the first couple of days. I was really proud of myself. It felt really good.
The people are the most important part of sleepover camp because you’re living with your friends and you can make better friendships than you do anywhere else, it’s amazing. I have a very special friend that was at the camp and her name is Naomi. She was really nice to me! She’s generous. She helps me! She came all the way from Texas to this sleepover camp! I don’t know who wouldn’t want to be her friend. I’ll miss her very much. But I can keep in touch with her by email and Skype. My cabin mates are so nice, their names are Danielle, Reanna, Avigal and Zohar. I couldn’t imagine better people living with me in my cabin. My counselors and my CITs (counselors in training) are the best! My counsllors are Maxine and Ira, my CITs are Pablo, Chief and Rebbeca! The CITs are the fun ones, the counselors are the responsible ones! I will miss the people so much!
I had a amazing time, I met lots of great people,I faced my fear when I thought I couldn’t do it, but I did. it’s a great achievement. I never knew that sleepover camp would be this fun! My mom has been talking about this for years and how much I would love to go to this camp and how much fun my mom had. She said that this camp would be the best place to be, and my mom was right it is the best place to be. I have all my friends contact information, so we can get together during the year. I want to thank all the people who commented on my blog because you helped me so much when I was getting ready to go. The people that went to this camp shared their experiences and their advice and it helped me.
So, like I said, I’m happy to be home. But I miss camp too. I’m already excited about going back next summer.
Hannah! Just wanted to say welcome home! I’m sure your parents have told you countless times how much they missed your smiles and laughter in the house. I am so proud of you for facing your fears and conquering them by staying away from home for so long. Camp is an unbelievable experience to meet So many new friends and learn life lessons you can carry with you all year long. You are such a smart cookie and we all enjoy hearing about your adventures! What was your favorite activity at camp? What is your favorite song to dance to these days? Sending you a big hug. Take care pretty girl!
Thank you Dez! They have told told me countless times how much they missed me. I tried really hard to conquer my fear.I think my favourite activity was swimming! That is so fun! My favourite song to dance to was I want a banana! It has a really fun dance to it! Sending you a big hug too! It means a lot to me about this comment! Bye!
Tori & I are SO glad to hear that you had so much fun at camp!! I knew you would because you are such a nice person & everyone would want to be your friend! I can’t believe that you tried water skiing…I would have been so nervous & I am sure I wouldn’t have got on my feet that quick! Glad that you are home! xoxo
Thank you Nakia and Tori!I know that you and Tori are such nice people. It’s not that hard, but I was nervous to waterski. Congrats! You are one of the first people to comment on this post! It means a lot to me. Thank you! xoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
I loved reading about your adventures at Geshet, Hannah. It was also great to see you in person, having such a great time. Thanks for giving Zohar a shout out. Mazel tov on making it through THREE WHOLE WEEKS away from home. I know your mom missed you, but she was also really happy that you were so happy at Gesher.
Thank you Eden!I’m glad you like the post! I hope Zohar had a fun time at Gesher! I wish that Zohar could’ve stayed for the whole 3 weeks. I also know that my mom misses me, me and my parents were so excited to see eachother.
Hannah!! Welcome home!! I was so not surprised that you wanted to stay longer. Gesher is that type of camp.
Hopefully the girls will come next summer.
It was great to see you on Alumni Weekend!! You looked like you were having a wonderful time.
Thank you Gayla! I even told you on alumni weekend. I bet you stayed for both sessions at some point. I hope Jordana and Samantha will come next year. I bet thay would love it! It was great to see you on alumni weekend too! Thanks Gayla!
Hi Hannah,
I’m thrilled that you enjoyed your time at camp so much that you decided to stay even longer. I wish I was young enough to spend another summer there, but I do go back in my dreams every so often. Gesher is a magical place and it leaves a bit of magic in everyone that goes there (you can see the effect it’s had on your mom). Now all you have to do is think of it and you’ll feel it, too.
From Karen (your mom’s counselor)
Thank you so much Karen! If you love Gesher so much than why not next year you come on alumni weekend? I have felt a little bit of magic ever since I got home. I can definitely see the effect on my mom. She always talks about Gesher, and that’s magic. Thank you Karen. You made me feel really good.
Yipppeee….so glad you are home! We were following all the amazing things you were doing through you mom- what an adventure! I’m sure you know by now how much your mom and dad missed you- so take full advantage by asking for sushi everyday and Menchies!!! Glad you are home and I hope we can have a playdate soon xoxoxox H
Thank you Heather, Paul, Ty and Jayden! My mom has the best memory- especially about Gesher! I do know how much my mom and dad misses me, but I missed them more!I’ve already had Sushi once since I got back but I haven’t had menchies yet but I might go today. Hope to have a playdate soon too! Talk to Candace and Eric about it! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo H
Hey Hannah,
Its Rebecca from Gesher. I saw your mom’s article in the Canadian Jewish News. I”m so happy you had a such a good time at Camp Gesher! You were such a great camper!You were so enthuthiastic about all the activities,you got along great with all the other kids and it was just such a joy to have you at Gesher this summer! Hopefully I will see you next year at camp:)
Thank you so much Rebecca! I can’t believe you saw the article! The cabin missed you so so much! I hope you had a fun time at your family reunion! You were such a great CIT(consellors in training)! I am definatly coming next year! I hope you’ll be my counsellor next year!;) At midnight flagpole, they hit the madatz on the butt with a roe! It was so funny! It’s too bad you were not there. See you next year Rebecca! 🙂
Hi Hannah this is avigail from camp your blog is really cool when is your dad in that marathon I hope I can see you then again I really like your blog I miss you
From Avigail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
P.s its my moms email.
Thank you so much Avigal! It’s great to hear from you! My dad is in that marathon in November. I’m glad that you like my blog! I hope we can see eachother again to! I miss you so so much!
P.S I hope you had an amazing time at camp!
Camp sure sound like fun hannah hope you have friends so your not lonely
OH MY GOD i just realized i have never commented on this!!!! Hannah, you actually dont understand how much i read and re-read this. When i first read it I started to cry, i still tear up now and then.I miss you so much. i thought for sure that i commented on this because i read it so many times! well anyway i love you and i really miss you and it meant so so so so soooo much to me that you wrote about me and put a picture of me in! im so grateful to have a friend like you <3
Thank you so much Naomi! I also can’t believe you didn’t, that was one of the most fun posts for me! I would also just re-read this if you wrote it. I’m so happy you liked it, enough you cried! I love you and miss you! Bye, see you in less than a year or sooner!